HEC’s members

03:25' CH-12, 12/12/2013

Parent company, Vietnam Hydraulic Engineering Consultants Corporation-JSC (HEC) is a join-stock company changed from the parent company - Vietnam Hydraulic Engineering Consultants Corporation according to the Decision No.3075/QD-BNN-DMDN of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development on approval of equitization plan of parent company. Present organization structure of HEC is as follows:

1. The administration sector of the Parent company:
• Board of Directors (BOD)
• Directorate
• Business Division (BD)
• Financial Accountant Division (FAD)
• General Affairs Division (GAD)
• HEC’s Representative Office in Lao’s People Democratic Republic.

2. HEC’s dependent accounting units (12 units):
• Appraisal and Consultancy Center;
• Electrical Mechanical Consultancy Center;
• Environment and Hydrology Center;
• Consultancy Company No.11 (HEC11);
• Consultancy Company No.12 (HEC12);
• Consultancy Company No.13 (HEC13);
• Geotechnical Consultancy Company No.14 (HEC14);
• Investigation and Construction Consultancy Company No.15 (HEC15);
• Investigation and Construction Consultancy Company No.16 (HEC16);
• Hydraulic Printing Company;
• Branch of HEC in Ho Chi Minh city;
• Branch of HEC in Nha Trang city.

3. Subsidiary companies (04 companies):
• Construction and Mechanical Joint-stock Company - HEC (HEC-MCC);
• Investigation and Construction Consultancy Joint-stock Company No.4 (ICC4);

• Hydraulic Construction Consultants Joint-stock Company No.3 (HEC3);

• Hydraulic, hydropower Construction and Investment Consultants Joint-stock Company (HEC17).

4. Associated and joint-venture companies:
• Investigation and Construction Consultancy Joint-stock Company No.2 (ICC2);
• Asia - Pacific Engineering Consultants Joint-venture Company (APECO).

Total hits 479  -  Last update 03/10/2016 11:33' SA
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Tài nguyên

© 2012 Vietnam Hydraulic Engineering Consultants Corporation - JSC.
Address: 95/2 Chua Boc Street, Dong Da District, Hanoi - Tel: (04) 3852-6285 - Fax: (04) 3563-2169
Chief Editor: Vo Van Lung - Deputy Director General

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